Holden Clough Community Primary
Gina Wright - St Gregory's Primary
SMART PPA Carousel – Music, Computing and Spanish
We have been working with Junior Jam for almost one year (Jan ‘23 we began our journey). They are very reliable, there has only been one staff absence in the time we have been working together and a substitute was sent.
Communication is great, emails are answered promptly and professionally. Calls are answered and nothing is ever too much trouble; JJ are happy to take on board feedback from our subject leaders following any monitoring. The tutors that teach our pupils are professional, knowledgeable and have high expectations. We began our JJ journey when we needed to 'employ' a new member of staff to cover PPA, we took this as an opportunity to try something new and exciting. Junior Jam provide high quality teaching and learning experiences in three subjects (that often class teachers aren't as confident with) across our school - the children love these lessons! Teachers and school leaders feel confident that their pupils are receiving high quality provision.
We also use the portal to access planning and assessment documents.