Published On: 26 Nov, 2020
Review of Caltech IT (CRM) in Batley WF17
Review of Caltech IT (CRM) in Batley WF17, who host our Dynamics CRM 2016. We have been with them for 3years. Review of Caltech IT's services.
As a company we rely heavily on CRM to run Junior Jam. We first began using it in 2010 with CRM, we then moved to 2011 and are currently on Dynamics 2016 which is hosted by Caltech. CRM stands for customer relationship management software, we use it to manage our business. It has allowed me or increase turnover 5 times the amount but keep the amount of office base staff the same. It takes care of our timetabling, staff management, customer management, bookings, marketing and prepares reports for accounts and payroll. It is also highly intergrated with out Junior Jam App and website.