Published On: 13 Nov, 2019
PPA Cover - iProgram - Half Term 2
I’ve recently just started half term 2 of this academic years PPA cover. This is one of the more important half terms in my eyes and also my favourite since I will be covering iProgram which involves many different aspects of programming, all of which involves writing algorithms. The kids will learn that algorithms are instructions given to different programs to do different things like; complete a level in a game, create shapes and patterns, fix code and ultimately creat their own games and let their peers play their games, judge them and therefore make them better. This PPA cover activity can definitely be one of the harder ones since coding the algorithms can be easy to loose your place or it can be difficult to understand. That’s why the students need to focus as bext as they can. The iProgram course gives them the knowledge that they will need to know going into high school. For a course that can actually be less creative, the students still enjoy it very much since we start off with some programming games before using algorithms to try solve rubik's cubes. I'm looking forward to seeing some end results towards the end of this half term. -Luke Harrison