Published On: 02 Apr, 2020
Our 1st Facebook LIVE
Our first Live online session
During this time of isolation and lockdown Junior Jam has been doing its utmost to keep providing schools with fun, educational and engaging activities for our pupils to do. Up until today we were just doing this in the classroom for our key worker children. However today we brought Junior Jam into people’s homes through the use of the amazing Facebook Live feature.
Our Music and Media Specialist Luke took to the stage to offer a tutorial on iJam, our music production based course! We have been trying to get as much awareness about our live as possible adding it to all three of our social media platforms daily, (No one wants a social media flop!). 1:30pm our live started and all our nerves (especially Luke’s) slipped away as we had 15 viewers straight away! We couldn’t have been happier!
Some of them were pupils in schools some were at home with parents or guardians. Everyone was really interactive. Luke did have a bit of a mishap and filmed his whole Facebook Live session the wrong way so some views may have been a little skewed.
We did have some Junior Jam teachers put the Live on for their pupils (With the head permission of course) and by all accounts everyone loved it and the children were very interactive within the classroom. A number of the younger children through as Luke was answering comments, that he would be able to hear him, so they were trying to shout and tell him he was filming the wrong way.
We thought today was an amazing success for our first try and we hope to do more over the next few weeks. We might not be the next Joe Wicks yet….. but we’ll try!
See our Facebook live on our Facebook Page, just search JuniorJamHQ on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram to find us.
See you soon!
Junior Jam Live team.