Published On: 30 Oct, 2020
My First Half Term ......done!
Hi everyone, Louis here! It has been a fantastic first half term here at Junior Jam. Through the difficulties of local lockdowns, class bubbles and staggered start times, we have continued to supply our high standard of PPA cover.
For my first half term as a junior media and music manager, I have watched our staff delivery our iProgram module this half term. It is one of my favourite modules to do, as it teaches the children all about programming, algorithms, and computer science (something I think all of us never had the opportunity to do!).
We are starting to see work come back in now, and the progress the pupils have made with our instructors has been amazing to see! Every half term, our instructors upload some of the work the pupils have done, so the schools are able to view the tasks and projects the pupils have completed. From spiral shapes, classic arcade games, debugging and etch-a-sketches, there is clearly a high level of understanding and talent when it comes to programming!
I am really impressed by the way our staff has delivered these lessons, and even more impressed by the work that I have seen uploaded. I cannot wait to see what our staff show us at the end of the next half term!