Published On: 17 Sep, 2019
Junior Jam PPA Cover Team Teaches and Observations
In the Music and Media department we have over 20 new members of staff to fulfil all of the new PPA cover orders that start this academic year. When a new member of staff starts with Junior Jam, we make sure a senior member of staff is with them one their first day to make sure everything is running smoothly for both them and the school.
On the very first day of the new academic year whether your school is new to us or not we come and do a PPA Questionnaire. This Questionnaire make sure we know everything about your schools how you would like your PPA Cover to run.
I spent 3 days out of the office joining staff in Wolverhampton and Greater London on their first day.
Monday afternoon is was scheduled to be with Stephen in Wolverhampton. This was a new chapter on two fronts St Bartholomew's CofE Primary school is new to us and Stephen, even though he was worked for Junior Jam for an academic year already, was moving from the Music department to media. Stephen didn’t need to me to there, he completed his PPA Questionnaire and taught two lessons brilliantly. Proving to us once again that Stephen is a strong teacher capable teacher who works well within a classroom environment. From Wolverhampton I drove to Sussex.
On Tuesday morning I attended Blackwell Primary school, I accompanied three new members of staff doing a Smart PPA carousel. The carousel comprised of Music, iMedia and Spanish and saw the teachers seeing three classes and teaching lessons between 35 minutes and 1 hr long. In the afternoon I travelled to Kent to see a new teacher at a school that has been with us for many years. Longlands primary school runs like a well-oiled machine thanks to our member of staff Andy Power. Andy is our area leader in London and has worked at Longlands for the past 3 years. Again, Longlands Primary school has a course of Music, iMedia and MFL to cover their PPA needs. Anisha the new iMedia member of staff delivered three really good lessons to Ks1 mixed classes. The classes run for 45 minutes each and we dismiss the children at the end of the day again was dealt with brilliantly by Anisha.
Wednesday morning, I’m now on my last day of being away from home, and I’m in High Wycombe. Manor Farm Community Junior School is covered by Abdul. Abdul was aware of Junior Jam after seeing us in another school, in August he decided to apply for one of our positions, and we were delighted to have him as part of our team. Abdul has a very patient manor with the children and feels very comfortable within a classroom which really shows in his teaching.
I left London to travel back to our HQ in Bradford feeling very comfortable and confident in the new staff I had seen. I look forward to them growing with Junior Jam and them flourishing within their new role.
Head of Music, iMedia and the Arts.