Published On: 26 Jun, 2020
iTech - A summary of each level
iTech is our most exciting and newest course, because of this, one of the iTech courses is still under development. During this level pupils will learn about technology both in and out of school, at home, and within industry.
As iTech is comprised of completely new levels, all pupils regardless of the level they have achieved within the other courses, will complete Lite Level 1 (KS1) or Level 1 (KS2) within their Junior Jam PPA Cover.
Our rTech course introduces early years to the technology used to create film. Pupils will learn how to plot a film and create it using the app Toontastic. Working in groups, pupils will work towards plotting a story arc consisting of three parts. Groups will have to create and design scenes and characters to complete their story lines.
iTech Lite Level 1 – iInvent – This course focuses on how technology has progressed through the 19th and 21st centuries. iInvent aims to give pupils a better understanding of the technology they use every day both at home and in school. This course will cover how to use technology safely and responsibly, as well as how to explain their uses to others. This course builds on the knowledge taught in the previous modules and shows them how they can apply their knowledge to real world objects.
iTech Lite Level 2 – iFilm - Pupils will focus specifically on the technology that surrounds the film industry and is used to create both animated and live action films. Pupils will use the app Toontastic to digitally plan and create an animated film and Scratch Jr as a method of storyboarding using their programming skills. Both apps are used before pupils move on to filming and editing a live action trailer using the app iMovie.
iTech Level 1 – iControl - During this course pupils will learn to code an external device. They will have to learn that external factors can affect how their program runs, e.g. uneven flooring and compensate for this in their programming. Pupils will learn how robotics are used within industry and design a robot to fit certain specifications. Pupils must learn to use conditionals to be able to complete a physical maze built within the classroom and designed by the instructor. As they are coding on an external device pupil will also have to debug in real time and fix their code during their race time if it doesn’t work. During the course pupils will learn about how the Sphero moves and begin to understand Pitch, Yaw and Roll axis.
iTech Level 2 – iBlast Off – During iBlast off pupils will research, plan, and present a mission to Mars. Using research, design and simulation apps, the pupils must decide what their mission will be and see if it would be successful. Will they perform scientific experiments on the planet or bring samples back home to test? This course brings science and maths skills to a computing lesson, allowing pupils to explore areas of physics such as forces and space as well as utilising apps to research information and present data.
iTech Level 3 – iCSI –Within iCSI pupils will be tasked with investigating and solving a crime. Before going to trial they will learn about evidence collecting and analysing, code breaking, observation and communication skills as well as presenting evidence. All of these skills will be put to the test with a real-life scenario. Pupils will use this course to see how technology and interdepartmental collaboration helps every day to solve crimes.
iTech Level 4 – UNDER DEVELOPMENT - Junior Jam currently have this level under review. We constantly work to make sure our curriculum is as current and engaging as possible. Below are the curriculum points we will have adapted the course around. We will ensure these points are hit as the course is developed