Published On: 16 Jul, 2020
iPad Updates & Preparation for September
Hi, it’s Jessie here!
We have had a very busy couple of weeks here at the Junior Jam HQ and we are super excited because we have refreshed our iPad sets! New iPad Mini’s have replaced our older iPad 2’s and 4’s. This means the speed, quality and efficiency of our fresh iPads is of a very high standard and we cannot wait to begin using them in September.
We recognise the importance of our staff and pupils having state of the art resources so that they are equipped to teach and learn to the highest possible standard, which is why our Instructors now have iPad Mini’s with larger storage and faster running speed. Both our staff and pupils will be able to benefit from the faster iPad navigation whilst also benefiting from the increased number of Apps and data that the iPads have. The iPads are set up to enable the teachers to achieve their most efficient workflow and to ensure that they are supported by the technology they need to give the best teaching experience possible.
As well as Instructor iPads, all pupil iPads have been newly updated, new Apps have been installed, some examples include PianoKids (rJam), Car Builder (rCommunicate), Spritebox (iProgram), Tetra (iCreate) just to name a few…
To complete this process we have used a Management Device Service (MDM) named Zuludesk. Zuludesk is an MDM for schools and maximises Apple hardware for learning purposes. Zuludesk enables us to control all new iPads using one computer, and navigate via Users, User Groups and Device Groups, which are easy to create and manage. As well as this, Zuludesk enables you to view in-depth information and perform diagnostics on individual devices.
Having used Zuludesk, our iPads are all freshly synchronized to fit with our September 2020 curriculum which we are extremely excited to get the term started. The new teaching Apps and simple and effective layout on our iPads will enable our pupils to navigate and use the iPads with ease, which is vital for them to benefit and gain as much from the class as they possibly can.