Published On: 28 May, 2020
iAnimate / iOffice - A summery of each level
This is the third blog in the series talking about our new iMedia curriculum. Typically taught in HT3 this course feature Animation for Foundation & KS1, and Office 365 skills for KS2.
iAnimate is taught to foundation and KS1 it enables them to be able to be creative and learn the computing curriculum at the same time.
Foundation pupils will learn about 2D and 3D animation, how to create characters and draw cartoons, how to add expression and emotion to their sequences and finally bring it all together to create a final short animation.
iAnimate Lite Level 1- iMove – This course is for KS1 and centres around Stop Motion Animation. After learning the key elements of the craft, pupils are shown various techniques to create a smooth and imaginative stop motion animation. For the first 4 weeks of the course pupils test out these techniques a week at a time to master the skill. They then use the final weeks for the half term to create their own stop motion animation using any of the skills they have learnt throughout the half term.
iAnimate Lite Level 2 - i2D – This is completed by KS1 pupils in their second year of Junior Jam classes. i2D moves away from Stop motion animation and introduces the pupils to another form of animation; 2D Hand drawn. Pupils learn how to bring two dimensional drawings to life through use of the app ‘Do Ink Animation’. This course also blends their knowledge of programming with animation, the pupils are tasked with animating a story line on ‘Scratch Jr’, as well as creating their own animated Lego figure and finally create a flip book.
Keystage 2 will focus on basic skills within Word, Excel, and Keynote. While this isn’t something that is included within the national curriculum, we at Junior Jam feel it is an essential skill that will help the pupils not only gain skills they will need in higher education, but also help them cross-curricularly within KS2.
iOffice Level 1 – iSafety – throughout this course pupils learn about how to stay safe while using the wide variety of digital devices that are available within modern life. Pupils will combine leaning how to stay safe while on a digital device with learning how to operate Office 365 programs. Our E-Safety module covers Cyber Bullying, Online Gaming, Trust, Digital Reputation, Location Permissions, Online Contact and Social Media. All of these topics are covered alongside learning how to use the basic functions and work with templates within Word and Excel.
iOffice Level 2 – iSocial – This course builds on the skills the pupils gained within level 1 and moves onto more complex functions within Word and introduced the pupils to Keynote. Pupils are presented with a hypothetical scenario where all social media platforms have been removed from the internet. The class is then tasked with designing and creating their own social media platform to fill the gap in the market. Pupils learn how to insert pictures, create polls, track changes in their work, as well as using strikethrough and highlight functions. Pupils will gather all the work they have completed and create a presentation to the class within Keynote at the end of the half term. Pupils learn about presenting as well as collaboration within a team to finish a project to a deadline.
iOffice Level 3 -iCompany - iCompany is an Excel based course. Pupils will begin with a recap of basic Excel knowledge gained in Level 1 before moving on to more advanced functions within the app. Their task is to act as movie producers and decide on a style of animated movie to put into production. Working in pairs, pupils will start by inputting and analysing data allowing them to make important production decisions. The class will develop their Excel skills and learn how to successfully use a variety of advanced functions within a spreadsheet. This includes learning how to make graphs, how to interpret and input data as well as how to gain insight from data banks provided to them.
iOffice Level 4 – iCV – This course is the culmination of all the work from the 3 previous years. Pupils are asked to work across all three apps, (Word, Excel, Keynote), to create a CV for a superhero. Pupils will receive the following brief, ‘Your local council has advertised for a new Superhero to combat local crime.’ From there pupils will have to format their own CV on word, look at data complied for them about the design preferences of the company they are headhunting for, add hyper links to documents, and create a presentation of their work to give to the class at the end of the half term.
For more information about what happens in each of these, and all of our other iMedia levels visit https://www.juniorjam.co.uk/computing-ppa-cover/
If you would like to book Computing PPA within your school please call 0845 862 2283
- Emily