Published On: 12 Feb, 2020
How we can help you with your OFSTED Deep Dive
Junior Jam are changing the information we give you when you book our PPA Cover. This is all to help you, and your subject leader, get through a Deep Dive in PE, Computing, The Arts, Music and Languages (MFL) that Junior Jam covers for you.
We understand the pressure (and dread) that can come from that phone call. You have a limited time to prepare everything you need, and the last thing you want to be doing is calling your PPA Provider to find out what your classes have covered from the curriculum.
Because of this, we’ve given you the power! All the information you need will now be at the end of your fingertips. You will receive curriculum links documents, detailed planning documents filled with differentiated learning outcomes, as well as an online portal to see week by week if the learning objectives we set are being met and end of module course evaluations.
Let me introduce your Deep Dive Buddies!
What you receive at time of booking
Curriculum Links and Overviews
This is a one stop place for an overview of modules and National Curriculum links for the academic year. This document is sent to you as soon as your order confirmation comes through. Having an overview of the whole academic year helps you outline what the classes will be covering. The rest of the document goes into detail about National Curriculum points. Here you will be able to see exactly how the National Curriculum point is taught, either throughout the whole module or within a specific lesson.
At the very end of this document is a National Curriculum Matrix. This shows which National Curriculum points are met in every subject that Junior Jam teaches, not just the ones your pupils are covering. This means you can look back and see what they have covered in previous years, what they will be covering in future years, or what they are covering right now all in one handy place.
Planning Document
This is again issued to you as soon as you get your order confirmation. There is one planning document for every module we teach over an academic year. Within this document you will see an overview of the module, and which National Curriculum points the course is hitting by the class. You also receive the learning objectives for each half term with differentiated learning outcomes. From this document you can see exactly what the children are learning and what they are expected to have achieved by the end of every lesson or module.
At the end of this document you will also find a differentiation and progression page. This shows what the children would be doing if they were achieving at a higher or lower level that outlined in the document. You also get to see what the children will be doing in future levels so you can ascertain what progression they will make throughout their Junior Jam career.
What your instructor provides you with throughout the year
Online Session Forms
Currently our staff fill out a session form for every lesson they teach, this comes back to our office so we can see the progress the classes are making. From September 2020 this will now all be online for you to see through your online portal. You will be able to use the login details given to you at the time of booking to log in and see weekly updates of how your classes are progressing through the modules. The instructors will mark how the class have progressed against the learning objectives for that lesson. The class will get an ‘All’, ‘Most’, ‘Some’ mark with an instructor comment to accompany the session if needs be. If the learning objective for the lesson has not been met, due to a shorter lesson than normal, the class being on a trip that session, or it being a hard concept to grasp the instructor will revisit the learning objective the next lesson. When the children have achieved the learning objective, the instructor will change the system online to keep it up to date.
Course evaluations
At the end of each module our instructors will complete a course evaluation and again this can be found on your online portal. This evaluation is to see how well the National Curriculum points have been met. Each National Curriculum point taught within the module will be split up into a maximum of 4 points. These 4 points will again be given an ‘All’, ‘Most’, ‘Some’, 'Not Acheived' mark from the instructor as to how well that part of the Curriculum point has been achieved.
With all of this information to hand your subject leader will have no problem talking to OFSTED about the subjects we cover in your school.
To find out more infromation about our PE, Music, Computing, The Arts & Lanuages (MFL) PPA Cover or what we provide to you and your Subejct leaders, please contact us on 01274608576 or info@juniorjam.co.uk
- Emily