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 Published On: 04 Aug, 2022
Holiday Club Taste Tests 2022

Hi everyone!

The 2022 Summer Holiday Clubs are in full swing and this year we have introduced a new activity – a blind taste test!

Each year the children on the clubs take part in a healthy living lesson, where our PE teacher delivers a presentation detailing how following a healthy diet and exercising regularly is good for the body. This year we have built upon this to include a blind taste test, where the children get to try multiple different fruits and vegetables to show them how eating your 5 a day can be fun!

The children are put into pairs, with a blindfold to share between them. The blindfolded participant tastes the food first while the non-blindfolded participant describes the colour, smell, and look of the food. The non-blindfolded participant also tastes the food and together the team guesses what they are eating. The children then swap roles and get to try a different food, with multiple different fruits and vegetables tested each session.

The children have loved taking part as they get to try fruit and vegetables that they haven’t tasted before! So far we have tried: apple, apricot, banana, blueberry, nectarine, pepper, pineapple, plum, strawberry, tangerine and tomato – to name a few.

Just take a look at the attached image to see how much the children are enjoying this new activity!

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