Published On: 28 Oct, 2019
End of Autumn Half Term 1
My first half term is complete. iJam songs and remixes finished. Time for students and teachers to have a short 1 week holiday. My first half term went very well with all classes finishing their work and it will soon be uploaded to the secure section of juniorjam.co.uk for each school to view (or listen to) their own work.
Students have enjoyed creating their Dance or Hip Hop songs, creating remixes and creating a full song with the structure of a standard pop song. Using the headphones has proven popular. I could also see that it helps the students concentrate when it comes to listening to their music. They could hear their music best when wearing them, therefore not only could they mix their instruments together so they are balanced but it also helps them focus without distractions.
The childrens song were very creating and sounded very original. The year 5 class at Rothwell were a little nervous to perform their raps on the last lesson. So I perfomed one first so the children can loosen up and not be nervous.
The children should come back refreshed and recharged ready for iProgram. This requires close attention since in this PPA cover is all about writing algorithms and understanding exactly how they work. This is one of my favourite subjects to teach. So I am looking forward to getting stuck in.