Published On: 24 Aug, 2019
Dixons Allerton Summer Holiday Club
I’m Matt T from Junior Jam and this i’ve Been at Dixons Allerton Primary doing a holiday club. We have had a great bunch of characters of all ages within our group this week from the loud and confident to the quiet and more reserved children.
The emphasis has been on teamwork from the word go starting with team names when in playful competition a few that stick out for me are The DD’s (Dixons Dodgers), JJ Crew but my personal favourite was The Jammy Dodgers.
All the children have worked well in all challenges given and have made new friends and learnt to communicate in a much more positive way which has been really great to see, for example the older children encouraging the much smaller and younger ones and the joy on their faces when a rounder is scored or a goal scored in handball is heartwarming to see.
I personally feel that all the children that have attended this week have gained something from the experience be it making a new friend, doing a new sport for the first time or creating a bit of magic on the I pads
Laiba age 6 said “I didn’t think I was good at cricket but now I know that I’m good”
When asked if she’d like to attend another JJ session her reply was very simple and to the point “it was well fun”
That for me makes the job worthwhile.