Published On: 31 Aug, 2019
Claire’s Junior Jam Holiday Club Summer
Hi I’m Claire from Junior Jam, I’ve been working of the DfE’s Holiday Hunger Project since May. I’ve assisted schools putting their funding applications together, arranged the assemblies, co-ordinated recruitment and been a support on the holiday clubs themselves. As the summer break comes to a close, so does my role of support staff for the holiday clubs Junior Jam delivered across Bradford. Over the course of the six weeks I’ve visited Swain House Primary, Margaret McMillan Primary, Farfield Primary and Frizinghall Primary School. I’ve seen hundreds of Primary School children make new friendships, have fun and engage with one and another and the activities we ran. We were there to provide a safe, fun and exciting holiday club, and we did just that. From martial arts to CSI workshops there was something for everyone on each club.
I would like to personally thank all the sports coaches I worked with for their professionalism and for the fun action packed sports sessions they provided. In addition to the iMedia workshop leaders, I now know how to make a movie trailer! Last but by no means least the office staff who made the clubs possible and organised hundreds of packed lunches daily for each child who attended.
It’s been a hectic summer holiday, but an enjoyable one. The feedback I’ve received from parents has been unreal. Knowing I’ve had a hand in making the young people’s summer break a fun and happy one gives me a great sense of accomplishment. It’s been a blast working with so many young people and watching them pick up skills along the way. All being well we can do it all over again next summer!