Published On: 18 Feb, 2020
Badsley Primary School Holiday Club
This week I am at Badsley Primary School in Rotherham running a holiday club for 35 children alongside two other members of staff – Rachael and Matt. This club focuses on Multi Sports and Animation on the iPads (iAnimate), and the day starts with some dodgeball to get the children warmed up and having fun straight away, while we wait for everyone to arrive.
Rachael is delivering iAnimate, which involves using Lego, toy dinosaurs and other things from around the classroom to create Stop-Motion animations. Children were given a brief introduction to the history of animation, starting with 2D and Mickey Mouse, all the way up to the modern day with 3D CGI and stop motion, like Wallace and Gromit and Coraline. Children have to work in small groups of two or three to come up with a story, and then bring it to life using the app StopMotion.
Matt is one of our sports coaches and he was running multi sports. He is doing a number of fun games and activities such as dodgeball, benchball, football and more. It is a good contrast to the classroom-based iPad activities and gives every child the opportunity to take part in something active, and also do something a bit more creative in the same week. The first day went extremely well and fun was had by all involved.
This club, along with a number of others we are delivering this half term in the South Yorkshire area were booked by John Bell who is the Extended Services Manager for The Learners Trust. His job is to source extra funding for schools and then manage the funded projects on their behalf, with the aim of creating new enriching educational experiences for children and the wider community.