Published On: 24 Oct, 2019
A Day in the Midlands
This week I have had the pleasure of visiting a couple of our PPA cover teachers in the Midlands. I started the day at a school in Dudley where Shaun, our new iMedia PPA cover teacher was finishing off his first half term teaching Music Production. Shaun had three fantastic year one classes to start the day and they were full of energy. Their final task for the half term was to create a song in one of the genres they had learnt about. The work they produced was fantastic and all the classes had a variety of different genres to show, from rock and blues to electronic dance. I was also super impressed with how Shaun had settled in at his school and how valued he had become by staff and students in such a short time. I spent the afternoon in Wolverhampton with Adele our Midlands team leader. It was nice to see how Adele was getting on in her second year at Junior Jam. Adele had three classes of year fours rotating with two other members of Junior Jam staff in a PPA carousel. The students were in fancy dress to celebrate Diwali before they broke up for the half term holidays and so were in high spirit. Again, I was super impressed with the student’s ability to produce music and their final projects were great. All our PPA cover teaches like to finish each lesson with a little showcase of work, giving students a chance to show off what they have achieved in the lesson. I thoroughly enjoyed listening to the year fours music and was left humming some of the catchy melodies on my drive back to Yorkshire that evening.