Key stages: 2
Level 1 - CSI Murder Mystery
Level 2 - CSI Burglary
Level 3 - CSI Disappearance
Key Stage : 1&2
Activities From Around The World
Space Days
Science Days
Junior Jam offer an International package where a number of workshops are available, focusing on countries from all over the world. The day can be split into hourly sessions so that in each hour a different class can participate. Each one hour workshop gives a brief overview of the country, the cultural relevance of the activity and a traditional workshop from that country. This is a fantastic way for children to learn about the historical and modern culture and way of life of a certain country, or number of countries, in a concise and exciting way.
African Dance African Drumming
Bollywood Dance Indian Drumming
Caribbean Dance
Capoeira Samba Drumming
Thai Boxing
Kung Fu
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